
by Svenska Studios

The Kenilworth Park & Aquatic Gardens is a hidden treasure in Washington, DC, it is located in the marshland of the Anacostia River and home to some of the most beautiful water lilies. The water lilies are a “manmade” part of the park surrounded on three sides by some of the original tidal wetlands of Washington, DC.

It was my nephew who got me out to view the water lilies at their peak in early August 2008. He was exploring photography as a career then and was part of a photo club that was coming to photograph the gardens in the early morning. His pictures were with a 4 x 5 camera where he carefully composed each shot on a sheet of film. Mine were with the digital camera, giving me instant feedback on my pictures for the day. I also took the Hassleblad to do some medium format work but the film is still in the camera 5 years later — a sure sign that I have finally transitioned to the digital age.

All prints on this website are © copyright Karen Akerson/Svenska Studios. The prints may not be used in any fashion except for Internet browsing. Any other use is a violation of US and International copyright law. All rights reserved.

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